..."Hello. If you are reading this you have reached the beginning of the Archive. What appears to be before your eyes is the Great Archive of Time and Existence. However, you no longer have true eyes in the corporeal sense. You see, if you are here it is because you, from whatever dimension you are from, are dead. Your consciousness has been collected and saved from certain oblivion at the precise moment before your physical self expired. It was necessary to save you because you have unfinished business within the realm of existence. If you had no further purpose in existence you would not be reading this introduction to the Great Archive of Time and Existence, because you would not be here. Please keep in mind that this Archive does not exist as you are used to existing. This is the 12th dimension of non-linear existence. Time is of no consequence here. There is no real past, present or future for you anymore. This place exists outside of linear time. However, for the time being the Archive and all you 'see' around you will conform to your knowledge of existence from your birth up to your death in order to ease the transition to this 12th dimension of non-linear existence while allowing you to begin accessing the contents of the Archive. Contained within this Great Archive of Time and Existence is everything you will ever want to know about anything that has ever existed, whether it be in the realm of the physical, the metaphysical, or the purely impossible as deemed by your former, limited view on things as a being that existed in the four dimensions of linear existence. The guide that has surely led you here to the beginning will answer any questions you will surely have. By the way, this is not really the beginning, for there is no beginning, middle or end just like there is no past, present or future. Once you have grown accustomed to things this Archive will transform itself into something completely foreign to your current perception of it and it will make perfect sense. Only then will you be able to discern why you have been saved and why you are needed here. You are not ready for that knowledge yet. Get used to not being concerned about time or space and your transition will go smoothly. You may now peruse the Great Archive of Time and Existence." At the conclusion of the long-winded passage Marsha felt her consciousness swirling about her. She felt physically dizzy, although that was impossible for she was no longer of a physical form. The Face that floated next to Marsha seemed to sense her uneasiness and a voice from what seemed to be inside her mind spoke to her. "Please, do not be alarmed. I am Amenable Cognition 565. I am here to serve as your personal guide to the Archive and am perfectly content with answering any questions or concerns that you may have at any time. May I be of service?" "Umm... uh... no, not right now-just leave me be. Let me get my bearings." The words came from her mind as they would normally in her inner monologue. Amenable Cognition 565 responded to her thought-speech. "Very well. I will be nearby cataloguing Row 47, Shelf 212 of Sub-Heading Gravity in the Quantum Aerodynamics section. Seek me out if you require any assistance." Now that Marsha had time to think on her own she began pondering over the events that led to this strange new state of being she was experiencing. The blue door. Thoughts of regret flooded her mind. She wished that she had never gone through that door, but soon realized that there was nothing to be done about that now. Marsha turned her attention back to the rows of the Archive. She placed the book she held back onto the shelf and traveled down the first row. After what seemed like hours she stopped and pulled another of the silver volumes off of the shelf at random. Marsha noticed an embossed symbol on the cover. The symbol was of an X surrounded by three circles. What made it stand out was that the X seemed to almost glow when she looked at it. Shrugging it off, Marsha opened the book. As soon as she did a beam of brilliant white light shot out of the first page, nearly knocking the book from her possession. Before she could even think about shutting the cover, the Archive dissolved around her and she found herself staring at a child. A young boy about six or seven years old stood before her, returning her gaze with a very puzzled look upon his face. After a moment the boy seemed to want to say something. He smiled and said...